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Brain Hacks for Wellness: Can We Rewire Our Brains for Healthier Habits?

In the digital age, tech companies have mastered the art of capturing our attention, keeping us hooked to our screens through sophisticated algorithms and psychological tactics. Whilst reading "The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness" by Jonathan Haidt, it struck me: if these big tech companies are hacking our brains for eyeballs, it begs the question—can we reverse-engineer these strategies to foster healthy habits and improve our well-being? The answer lies in understanding the mechanics of brain hacking and applying them to our advantage.

Brain Hacks for Wellness
Brain Hacks for Wellness

The Mechanics of Brain Hacking

Understanding how tech companies captivate our attention involves delving into the science of brain hacking. By exploiting the brain's reward system, utilising variable rewards, and tapping into our need for social validation, these companies create experiences that are hard to resist. By exploring these mechanisms, we can uncover the methods behind their success and learn how to apply similar strategies to encourage healthy habits in our own lives.

Dopamine: The Brain's Reward Chemical

Tech companies leverage the brain's reward system, primarily dopamine, to keep users engaged. Every notification, like, or share triggers a dopamine release, creating a pleasurable experience that users want to repeat. This cycle of anticipation and reward is at the heart of addictive behaviours.

Variable Rewards

The concept of variable rewards, popularised by psychologist B.F. Skinner, plays a crucial role. Unlike predictable rewards, variable rewards create a stronger compulsion to engage. Social media platforms, for example, offer unpredictable likes and comments, which makes users constantly check their devices for potential rewards.

Social Validation

Humans are inherently social creatures who seek validation from their peers. Tech companies exploit this by integrating social validation into their platforms. Features like likes, shares, and comments tap into our need for approval and belonging, driving continuous engagement.

Pleasure comes more from making progress toward goals than from achieving them. Shakespeare captured it perfectly: “Things won are done; joy’s soul lies in the doing.” Jonathan Haidt

Hacking the Brain for Healthy Habits

To transform our behaviours and establish healthier routines, we can borrow the same brain hacking techniques used by tech companies. By understanding how triggers, rewards, and social support influence our actions, we can design strategies that promote lasting positive changes. Here are some methods to help us hack our brains for better habits.

Identifying the Right Triggers

To cultivate healthy habits, we need to identify triggers that can prompt desirable behaviours. These triggers should be consistent and easily integrated into daily routines. For example, setting a daily reminder to drink water or placing workout clothes in plain sight can serve as effective triggers.

Creating a Reward System

We probably spend more time being harsh on ourselves for things we do not do or achieve. Instead, just as tech companies use rewards to keep users engaged, we must use rewards to reinforce healthy habits. The key is to find rewards that are genuinely satisfying. This could be a healthy treat after a workout, a relaxing bath after a productive day, a positive affirmation every day, or simply the sense of accomplishment that comes from achieving a goal

Utilising Variable Rewards

Incorporating an element of unpredictability can enhance the appeal of healthy habits. For instance, varying the type of exercise, trying new healthy recipes, or exploring different meditation techniques can keep the experience fresh and engaging.

Building a Support System

Just as social validation drives engagement on social media, having a support system can boost motivation for healthy habits. Joining a fitness group, sharing healthy recipes with friends, or participating in health challenges can provide the social reinforcement needed to stay committed.

Brain Hacks for Wellness in Practise

Translating the principles of brain hacking into actionable steps can help us build and maintain healthy habits. By integrating strategies like digital detoxes, habit stacking, and gamification into our daily routines, we can create an environment that supports our well-being and makes positive behaviours more engaging and sustainable. Here are some practical ways to apply these concepts.

Digital Detox and Mindfulness

Implementing regular digital detoxes can help reset the brain's reward system. Complementing this with mindfulness practices, such as meditation or yoga, can enhance mental clarity and reduce the compulsive need for digital engagement.

Habit Stacking

Habit stacking involves linking a new healthy habit to an existing one. For example, if you have a routine of drinking coffee every morning, you can stack a short stretching exercise immediately before or after. This leverages the established habit to create a new, positive behaviour.


Gamification, the application of game-design elements in non-game contexts, can make healthy habits more engaging. Apps that track fitness progress, offer challenges, and provide rewards for milestones tap into the same mechanisms tech companies use to drive engagement. Or simply set yourself small, fun challenges to keep you motivated and gamify your own experiences.


Hacking our brains for healthy habits is not just possible, but it can be as effective as the tactics used by tech companies to capture our attention. By understanding and leveraging the principles of brain hacking—such as dopamine release, variable rewards, and social validation—we can create a system that promotes well-being and fosters long-term positive behaviours. The key lies in being intentional about the triggers we set, the rewards we offer, and the social support we build. In doing so, we can reclaim control over our attention and direct it towards habits that enrich our lives, ensuring we successfully implement brain hacks for wellness.

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