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Chia Seeds? For Kids? Really?


Updated: Feb 14, 2019

A great recipe packed with goodness that your kids will LOVE!

Thank goodness we got snow this winter in the end... 

When the weather forecast said snow one day and it didn’t come I didn’t hear the end of it from my boys who couldn’t wait to build a snowman, make snow angels and catch snowflakes on their tongues (or as my little one seemed to prefer, actually licking the snow off the outdoor furniture?!)

Anyway, whilst the snow gets the kids out of the house and playing outdoors, the pretty standard winter rain tends to keep us more indoors and that’s when it becomes hard to find things to entertain them. So, on a grizzly afternoon, whilst we waited for the snow to come, we decided to make our very own snowballs inside, instead.

This recipe has been adapted from a few different ones I’ve come across (mainly because I seem to struggle to follow recipes very well!). It’s a great little recipe; it’s packed with goodness from the Dates, to the Brazil Nuts and the Chia Seeds making this a great choice for both kids and it’s vegan.

Chia seeds are a super food - rich in fibre, protein and omega-3 fatty acids

Image by Claudia Dumond

Making these with my boys has introduced them to all these lovely ingredients and for older kids it gives them the opportunity to practise their motor skills by chopping all the ingredients. I warn you though, this one can get messy but hey, once they’ve made a mess everywhere on the floor they can get the hoover out and clean up :)

These make for a super tasty and healthy mid morning or after schools snack for the boys and I they’ll love them even more if they’ve been involved in making them too.

As always, let me know what you think and please share your pics and any other healthy recipes for yummy snacks that you’ve either created or come across.

Snowball Snacks

Prep Time: 15-20 mins

Servings: approx. 16 balls


2 Cups of Pitted Dates

1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract

1/4 Cup of Desiccated Coconut (plus some extra to sprinkle on top like snow flakes at the end)

2 Tbs of Brazil Nuts (very finely chopped)

1 Tbs of Coconut Oil

1 Tbs of Chia Seeds

1 - 1.5 Cups of Oats (Depending on consistency) - You could also use Rice Krispies but it’s not the healthiest version ;)

2 Tbs of Chopped Dried Fruit e.g. raisins (optional)

1/4 Cup of Maple Syrup (optional)

1-2 Tbs of Water (Depending on consistency)


Just chop all the ingredients up and squeeze well to roll into balls

Recipe Notes

An alternative to snow balls is to mix the ingredients well and pop in the oven to toast for 10-20 mins making a delicious granola which can be eaten with some healthy plain greek yoghurt



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