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How To Get Yourself a SLOW Morning Routine


The alarm goes off. Kids are already running around, kids aren’t getting dressed, I have 5 minutes to get myself dressed, [add list of other things to do] before grabbing my burnt toast and running out the door. Sound familiar? Well this was my life every morning until I realised that starting the day that way wasn’t setting me up in the right way. I knew something had to change. I needed to become more conscious and intentional about my morning routine.

Those with a morning routine are more likely to characterize themselves as highly productive (92%) than those who did not (79%).

After months of trying out different morning routines I realised that the only way I found success was by following a SLOW routine that doesn’t actually take too much time! So here’s how to get yourself a SLOW morning routine! Yep that’s right, SLOW it down. Here’s how:

S – Set off with self-love – start with something healthy that will bring you joy - a smooth coffee, a warm brew, a juicy smoothie, your scrumptious overnight oats, a short mediation, some movement.

L - Light up your senses – find different ways to inspire yourself to feel alive - light a candle, set up aromatherapy smells, listen to calm music or a motivational podcast, give yourself a face massage.

O - One more minute - this one is key! Extend one of these morning rituals by just one extra minute - so just before you’re about to stop and move on to the next thing, stop yourself and hang on for just one more minute. See how this makes you feel immediately more present.

W - Write down your daily intentions with the following statement - ‘Today I choose to [think about emotions and behaviours not a to do list]’ e.g. be kind, be present with my kids, stop in nature for 10 mins, smile when I least feel like it, act with more compassion. Remember this statement throughout the day to keep you grounded.

All of this doesn’t have to take you long at all and shouldn’t require you to get up at 4.30am like Jennifer Aniston. Timings are down to you, it’s how you use the time that matters! For me it takes about 20 minutes all in when I’m not walking;

I make my delicious morning coffee (without fail it’s the first thing I do)

I head out for a walk (when I can)

I light a lovely smelling candle

Jump in the shower (and I always extend my shower by just one more minute)

Then I give myself a 5 minute face massage whilst listening to a short meditation on spotify or Alo Moves

And I finish by writing my daily intentions for 2-5 minutes

If you’re still not sure how to structure your mornings, here are 3 quick hacks to help you out:

Stack Habits. I try to stack habits together, so the candle and the shower, the face massage and the meditation, so that I’m more efficient. But at the end of it all, I’ve managed to start the day with self-care and positive intentions and that goes such a long way to how I feel for the rest of the day.

Start the night before. If you’re not sure you can get it all done, think about the things that could be prepared the night before. Your overnight oats? Laying out your yoga clothes? Setting a slightly earlier alarm to give you more time? Download a meditation ready to just press play?

Make a quick plan. When starting out it’s worth thinking about all the things you’d like to do in the mornings, then writing it down and planning it out with timings and a checklist. That way you can follow your schedule every day until it becomes innate routine.

It is possible, even surrounded by craziness in the mornings, not to get caught up in it! See how a SLOW morning routine will help you feel just that little bit more present and intentional. A SLOW morning routine will help you start your day in a way that brings you joy and gives you the illusion of giving you just that little bit more ‘me time’.

Remember, there is no pressure to get this right straight away, it’s all about trial and error until you find something that works for you and that’s going to stick!

If you need help to create your morning routine or find ways to introduce healthy habits that stick then get in touch. We'd love to help.



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